Thursday, October 23, 2008

Week 12 Reflective Post

I really enjoyed writing on the blog and thought it was a great to do something so different to all my other units. Some weeks I was craving more discussion on the blog, as I didn’t really feel like our tut did it justice – which surprised me since I thought we had some good discussions in the face to face tuts, and also some tech savvy personal bloggers in out tut group. I wondered if, in addition to a blog/instead of, we could have a sort of chat room where we’d chat online in real time, say in the tut time; maybe that would have generated more discussion.

I had never considered myself a cyborg before this course, but after learning the concept, and writing my webliography, I have decided that we are all cyborgs. It is amazing how technology is everywhere, yet almost invisible at the same time, melting into our everyday life. You only have to go a few days [or maybe hours!] without a laptop or a mobile phone to see how they sort of become a part of you[!], not to mention all the bodily enhancements that seem so normal to us.

The unit in general
I really enjoyed this unit, I’m a women’s studies major and this is my last ever women’s studies and also Arts unit, so I’m glad it was a fun one. All the topics were pretty interesting, but things I liked best were reading the excepts of the Cyberpunk novels, and thinking about how some things that were once science fiction inform science and technological developments and become a part of our daily lives! I liked the culture-jamming topic as well, and thought that all the workshops were great.

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