Friday, October 24, 2008

Reflective Post

I think that in general transferring the tutorials to blogs was a very good idea since it tied in very well with the rest of the unit.I personally am quite familiar with this form of online communication, but I guess there were others who weren't and this was quite a good possibility of 'experimenting' with it a bit.
Unfortunately, our blog didn't really go very well. Not a lot of discussions were created and in general there were a lot more people in our face-to-face tutes that were up for discussions (which were always really good). So I don't know why that happened.

Am I a cyborg?

The clearest answer to this I guess is 'yes'. I mean, we all use so many technical enhancements that I doubt there is anyone in this class who isn't a cyborg in that way. I have to say though that I still have a bit of a problem with 'accepting' that idea. I mean, technically, when I use a pen to write something down that makes me a cyborg. This is the part I cannot really relate to because then everything that goes beyond our natural state of 'being naked and living in caves' makes us a cyborg. However, I think that the cyborg-question is definitely one that's relevant asking, especially in this day and age. To me, the idea is very abstract though. I probably am a cyborg. I just wonder whether I can find a person on this earth who isn't then. And I am also undecided whether that's a good or a bad thing.

Evaluation of the Unit in general

I enjoyed the unit because it gave me insights into the world of cyberspace and ideas about it that I never came across before or never really thought about before. In that sense it triggered a bit of a re-thinking. In general, however, I also feel that some of the things we discussed were a bit redundant, in the sense that I still feel that most of the (power) structures (politics, race, gender, etc.) that we have in real live are simply mirrored online. It is not like the internet 'invented' all these things. It was interesting to read and discuss in which way cyberspace overcomes or reinforces those power structures though. I really enjoyed that!

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