Friday, August 22, 2008

Hi there

Hello everyone,

my name is Katharina, but everyone calls me Katy.
I am 22 years old and an exchange student from Germany. I will only stay at UWA for one semester and then want to travel around your beautiful country a bit before heading back home in Feb.
As for my favorite website I have to name my boyfriend's...this is not meant to be promotion or anything :-) but it's simply the website I probably spend most of my time at. Since I love everything that has to do with movies and DVDs and since he's a crazy DVD collector it's fun contributing to his forum which has a lot of active members.

Anyways, I think the whole idea of a 'blogging tutorial' is very interesting. Can't wait to see how it will work out!

Have fun y'all!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Elyse's Post


I'm Elyse, and unfortunately I have a slight addiction to Facebook. But maybe this unit will open up my mind to the world of blogging... 


Heya everyone, looks like we'll all be using this whole weblog thing for a bit. Let's all play nice then, shall we? Anyway, I really don't have any interesting websites to share so I'm just going to refer you all to this site called Reality Sandwich. There are some pretty interesting articles on social, cultural, technological and other what-not aspects of the world we all live in. Makes for a good read if you're really really bored. Have a great weekend everyone!



Hi, I am Katie Lam Pik Ki. I am an oversea student from Hong Kong. I really like using computer as the way to communicate with family and friends, and use MSN a lot. I did try several websites for posting my blogs, but I finally chose the MSN Space, I sometimes type in Chinese though. Also, I have a Facebook account just to have so fun during spear time, and Youtube, of course is one of the most interesting website for me, too. I really find the internet is amazing, as it is so convenient, and I can catch up with my long-distant friends whenever I want. However, I do find it hard to stop myself from using computer some days, and I can spend my whole weekend on my computer, so I guess I am addicted to the computer-online usage!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Post

I like to spend a bit of time (wasting) on youtube and I'm sure lots of you have seen this clip, but I always find it funny and also because I'm a fan of Harry Potter! Make sure the volume is on.
Until next post,

Monday, August 18, 2008


Hi guys!
 Isn't this exciting? Much better than coming to uni on a Friday. My favourite website to waste homework time on is facebook.