Tuesday, September 9, 2008

General Sharing--Weird Dreams

I had been dreaming of cyborgs these few nights, and one of them really scared me as the cyborg in my dream was called Yanbi--the same name of my younger sister!! So the first thing I did after I woke up was saying to myself that "Yanbi, my sister, is not a cyborg!"Personally I am so frightened to see myself as a cyborg, and so do people who are important in my life. I would try as best as I can just to prove that I am not a cyborg, and I really think that there are many differences from a "cyborg" to a human.

Also, technology is processed by human and machines are created by peopleI remember my classmate in college used to ask the question: Does computer cleverer than our brains? And many of us answered "Yes!" immediately as we had the concern of the capacities that computer can achieve to our daily lives. However, the person who used to ask the question kept saying "No! That's wrong. Who invented computer then?" Yeah, I agreed with him finally, it has got to be someone to invent it, so that should be true.Indeed, I would say my life and experience in it are always affected by technology either in good or bad ways, or in both. But something that inside me are still uniquely existing, like emotion and feeling. I believe that they can never be taken place by technology.Techology has also got its limitation, and so there are still nothing can be the alternative of some important organs and blood in human body.

Back to my dreams, I guess the reason why I am so frightened is that cyborg can mean to me as a less human being in the world, and it can really mix up my sense of identity as being a human.


Anonymous said...

I guess you're right - the fear of being/becoming a cyborg has a lot to do with the fact that everything that is more 'computerized' also seems to be less human immediately...which is exactly why I think humans are more intelligent than computers. At least we can actually feel that exact fear...

Cynthia Xie said...

I guess you only have this dream now because of the realization that we, humans, are actually more of a cyborg due to the world that we are living in. Everything that we used to help us get pass a day are mostly technological-based including computer, handphones, IPod etc. However, I must agree that we, humans, are far more superior than machines because we have emotion and the ability to express how we feel.