Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reflective Blog

Blog vs Tutorial

I like the idea for doing blog tutorial because it is fun and interesting and it is something which I have never done before in any of my units. I do find that classroom tutorials are more interactive though as different ideas got thrown around the classroom faster than online tutorial in which only some people participate in them. Moreover, it is difficult to maintain a constant flow of arguments on a blog tutorial. However, it is really useful for shy students (like me) to participate in tutorials so it does not require one to speak up in class. On the whole, I find it useful to me and an interesting way to hold tutorial classes.


This unit has indeed taught me a lot about cyborg. Before taking this unit, I was not interested in sci-fi stuffs and apparently does not know what a cyborg is. But after this semester, this unit gives me a new insight to cyborg. I realised too that in todays' world, most of us are cyborgs and we are not able to run away from this fact. We need machine and technology to get us through our everyday life and to help us accomplish our task. This unit is also a way of identifying myself in the world of technology.

Unit Evaluation

Overall, I find this unit to be interesting and useful. I enjoyed learning about cyborgs, feminism and the cyberspace.

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